Back to Belize

It's been almost a year ago that my life was changed by my journey to Belize. 12 months later, and I'm on my way back to the jungles. I debated going for a while. The costs add up, I'm in the middle of grad school, and working as well. However, I know it is where I belong. The crazy part is that I'm not returning as a student, but as a bonefide medical professional. I'm actually a registered nurse now... something I still am dumfounded by! Returning to Belize is much more than an attempt at nostalgia or to recapture lost memories. It is much more of a calling. I know I belong in Belize. Right now in my life, my role there can only be temporary. Although once a year might be all I can secure, the miracles I know we will see will last forever. I truly feel different about something this year. I know that I am going to see God working more than ever. Something amazing is going to happen, I just know it, and have faith that God is going to blow my mind while we're there! I've been having dreams about a particular woman we need to visit and if we can find her, we might just discover something magnificant as well. Sounds crazy, right? But, I'm slowly learning not to underestimate the power of the one above. Anyhow, it will be different this year because I won't be returning with any of my previous classmates. Instead, I will be accompanying and mentoring 20 new post-baccelaureate students from Saint Scholastica. PZ will be returning with us this year and Candace will be joining us! My flight leaves in the morning for Miami and then Belize City.
From there, we'll be transported about 2.5 hours inland to the village of San Ignacio where we'll setup our base. Each day, we will then depart for a smaller more remote and less accesible village where we'll setup our clinics and start the healing! Hope you can follow us on our journey, I'll keep this blog updated as often as possible.
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